learning to be
Sunday, May 09, 2004

shoe fetish

For Mother's Day, Dean got me this beautiful, tiny, silver-and-enamel baby shoe pendant, red with a white flower pattern. He and Sage presented it to me together; but when Sage got a good look at it, she immediately coveted it and gave me her most appealing puppy-eyed look, pleading hopefully, "For Sage?"

"For Mommy," I replied, gently but firmly.

"For Sage," she repeated, looking deliberately wistful.

Fortunately, Dean had bought a similar pendant (in pink) for his mother, who'd called to cancel our family lunch. So he gave it to Sage to wear before things got ugly. She was very happy with it until she realized that Mommy and Sage were now 'the same', but Daddy was left out with no shoe pendant.

"Poor Daddy!" she lamented. "Mommy shoe," she pointed at me. "Sagey shoe," she gestured to herself. Shaking her head: "No shoe Daddy. Poor Daddy!"

And nothing would console her until she and I marched over to her dollhouse, divested one of her toy bunnies of its left shoe, and strung it on a suede thong around her rather chagrined father's neck.