learning to be
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

pride is a three-syllable word

We are just so proud of Sagey. At the age of not-quite-three, she:

1. can use a real screwdriver with just a little help (aligning tool and screw). She even knows that "Clockwise means close; counter means open".

2. knows there's a difference between right and left, and can tell which is which slightly more than 50% of the time (which puts her about on par with Auntie Kate, haha!)

3. can behave herself and even feed herself in public... at least, until she gets bored with the apparent sheer tedium of eating

4. has expanded her vocabulary to include three-syllable words, as in: "That's tewwible," and "Why'd you say that girl's faboolous?"

5. can write the letters S for Sage, D for Daddy, O for Octopus, and X for X-Men (Yes, X-Men; whose daughter do you think this is?); and can identify the same, plus about three others
Uncle Andrew says: "You know how parents are always exaggerating the accomplishments of their kids? When you get to spend time with Sage, you realize that everything you guys say about her is true."