learning to be
Thursday, September 23, 2004

bubble recipe

Like many other children, Sage adores blowing bubbles. She can go through several bottles of bubble solution in a single day, which is why I went through many experiments to figure out how to make bubble solution at home, from household ingredients.

Sage's Bubble Recipe:
Mix one cup of water with two tablespoons of liquid dishwashing solution and one tablespoon of clear Karo syrup. Stir it gently, because too much froth will muck up your bubble wand.

You don't actually need a bubble wand, either. Anything that forms a closed shape and is hollow at the center will do. You can use a straw, for example, or even a piece of string tied into a loop.

Yay! I figured I might as well post some of the craft-y stuff I've been learning to do for Sage, so she can understand Mommy's 'magic' when she's old enough to do it herself.