learning to be
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

you are my star

Back when Sage was just learning to walk, I asked her to walk across the room to me and give me a kiss. She performed the walk impeccably, but gave me a small plastic glow-in-the-dark star (which she had scavenged from her dismantled kaleidoscope) instead of the requested kiss. I decided that it represented a kiss anyway, and tucked it away in my wallet as a keepsake.

Some months later, as she was just learning to talk, Sage was playing with my wallet and wanted to know, "Mommy, what dis?", gesturing to the little plastic star nestled next to her photo. So I explained, telling her the story of her earlier antics.

Last week, Sage was playing with my wallet again, and came up to me saying, "Mommy, I want to get star." So I helped her slip the star out of its plastic 'window'. She took it in her hands, smiling, and announced, "My kiss!" It was late at night, so we turned off the lights to go to sleep, and she was delighted to find that her 'kiss' lit up in the darkness.

Then she kissed the little star, and pressed it to my cheek, making little smacking sounds as she did so. "For you," she told me.